The Application of the Term "Rayb" in the Quran: A Thematic Study
قرآن مجید میں مذکورکلمہ "ریب" کے اطلاقات: موضوعاتی مطالعہ
Multilayered Meaning, Comprehension Levels, Facilitated Expression, Universal Accessibility, Quranic RevelationAbstract
Each letter and each word of the Qur’anic verses indicate so many meanings and aspects that it is impossible for the human mind to comprehend the whole. And also, all people’s benefitting from a book equally cannot be expected. So, the Quran uses a facilitated method of statement that everybody from a child to an uneducated elderly can reflect upon, in order to approach the subjects which, the addressees can’t fathom directly to their understanding levels. Allah revealed the verses in such expressions that each mind, capability and level gets his share in different aspects. When the Quran is observed, we see that the meanings of the verses satisfy the whole levels of understanding.