Editorial Team

Details of Editorial Team, Editorial Board & Advisory Board are as follows 


Editorial Team 

Editor in Chief:

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Saad Siddiqui

Ex-Director, Institute of Islamic Studies, Punjab University, Quaid-E-Azam Campus, Lahore, Pakistan


Dr. (Hafiz) Muhammad Aslam Khan

Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic and Islamic studies, The University of Lahore (UOL), Lahore, Pakistan

Managing Editor:

Hafiz Asif Ismail

Lecturer, Department of Arabic and Islamic studies, The University of Lahore (UOL), Lahore, Pakistan

Associate Editor:

Samreen Aamer

Senior Officer Publications (Subscriptions), Knowledge and Research Support Services (KRSS), The University of Management and Technology (UMT), Lahore, Pakistan.

Editorial Board 

Dr Tajul Islam

Lecturer in Islamic Studies, Department of Arabic and Middle Eastern Studies School of Languages, Cultures and Societies, University of Leeds

Dr. Habib ur Rahman

Associate Professor, Taibah University, Madinah, Yanbu Branch

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ijaz

Ex-Director, Sheikh Zayed Islamic Centre, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan

Dr Saima Farooq

Associate Professor, Lahore College for Women, University, Lahore, Pakistan.

                                   Advisory Board 

Advisory Board (Foreign):

Shehu Abdur-Rahman Aboki

Senior Lecturer, Department of Islamic Studies, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, P.M.B. 2346, Sokoto-Nigeria

Prof Dr. Thameem Ushama

Dean, International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilisation (ISTAC) IIUM Kuala Lumpur - Campus, Malaysia.

Dr. Arif Mateen

Lecturer, Boston Mosque and Islamic Centre, UK Islamic Mission
Boston, United Kingdom

Prof. Dr. Ebrahim Moosa

Professor, University of Notre Dame, Indiana, United States of America

Advisory Board (Local):

Prof. Dr. Abdullah Salih

Director, Sheikh Zayed Islamic Centre, University Of Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.

Atta Muhammad

Lecturer, Govt. Talim-ul-Islam P/G College, Chenab Nagar, Pakistan.

Ex- Dean, Faculty Of Islamic Studies And Oriental Learning, University The Punjab, Old Campus, Lahore, Pakistan

Dr. Tahira Basharat

Ex- Professor and Chairperson, Department of Islamic Thought and Civilization (SSH),University of Management & Technology, Lahore, Pakistan.