Introduction to the manuscript “Jami’ ul-Mu’jazat” by Sheikh Abdul-Wa’iz Muhammad Sadiq Al-Rihawi
التعريف بمخطوط "جامع المعجزات" للشيخ عبدالواعظ محمد صادق الرهاوي
Jami al-Mujazaat, Sheikh Muhammad Sadiq, miracles, Arabic manuscript, scholarly heritageAbstract
Jami al-Mujazaat is a rare manuscript. Its author is Sheikh Muhammad Sadiq, who was a famous scholar during the reign of the Mughal emperor. He got knowledge from the famous Mashaikhs of his time like Sheikh Ahmad Sirhandi. He is the author of many books. This book is also proof of his knowledge. This manuscript belongs to the Mughal period which has not yet been published. There is no doubt that the great scholarly heritage of Muslims is still lying unpublished in various libraries, and it is the need of the hour to bring it before the people. This manuscript is in Arabic language which consists of four hundred and ten pages. In this book, he has described a total of one hundred and fifty-seven miracles. Although he titled the book "Jami Al-Mujazaat", he did not limit himself to only miracles of Prophet PBUH but also narrated the deeds of the Companions of the Prophet, Ahl al-Bayt and good people and stories of good people. The author of this book belonged to India who was born in Delhi and in this sense, Arabic was not his language, but he wrote this book in Arabic language, and he was successful in it but there are grammar and vocabulary mistakes in some places. In this manuscript he collected all kinds of miracles and did not care whether the miracle he was making as a part of this book was true, false or self-created by one. Likewise, he did not pay attention to what opinion has been given about the miracle or its narrator in the art of Asma al-Rijal, and is the narrator reliable or has he been cross-examined? This manuscript is yet to be published and there is a need to publish it so that the doors of research can be opened for researchers, research scholars and students. This article provides a brief but descriptive introduction to the author of this manuscript and its subjects so that, its academic importance can be estimated, and a researcher should research it in a university, or an organization should publish it and thus this important manuscript should be used academically.