Islamic and European Renaissance: A Research Study on Historical Significance and Effects on Western Civilization
مسلم اور یورپی نشاۃ ثانیہ: تاریخی معنویت، مغربی تہذیب پر اثرات کا تحقیقی مطالعہ
philosophy, science, decline, Roman civilization, Dark Ages, Christianity, Jahiliyyah, Muhammad, Arab state, Islamic Renaissance and European RenaissanceAbstract
The development of philosophy and science in written form is the key factor in determining whether a civilization is considered modern or not. The Greeks were the first modern civilization due to the availability of their philosophical and scientific works in written form. The Hellenistic period from 300 BC to 600 BC was a time when principles of philosophy and science were developed. Philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, and Pythagoras played a significant role in the advancement of Greek civilization. However, all civilizations have a rise and fall. Greek civilization began to decline in the first century AD and then fell into such a decline that science and development could not master. The Roman civilization then took up the philosophical development and many great philosophers and scientists were born during this period. The period after the decline of the Greeks is known as the Dark Ages, which began in the 4th century AD when the Roman emperor accepted Christianity and introduced new rites and innovations in Christianity. This period is characterized by widespread ignorance, and only the Pope had the authority to forgive people's sins. Western thinkers consider this period to last from the 4th century to the middle of the 15th century AD. Muslims believe that there was a period of Jahiliyyah (ignorance) from the 4th century to the middle of the 6th century, but in the 6th century AD, there was a revolution that left people amazed. This was the revolution of Muhammad, who strengthened the Arab state in the fields of war, philosophy, and science. Al-Zahrawi, Jabir bin Hayyan, and Ibn Khaldun are some of the notable scientists and philosophers who made significant contributions during this time.