The Quranic Conversations of the Prophets (Peace Be Upon Them): Social Applications
انبیاءکرام علیہم السلام کے قرآنی مکالمات: سماجی اطلاقات
Dialogue,intellectual existence,Prophets, da’wah, social consciousnessAbstract
Every human being has his own individual intellectual existence which He has his own unique style of reasoning, questioning and inferring results. Dialogue is the only way to make any conscious human being your equal. Dialogue is the means by which the addressee consciously accepts or rejects the case presented by you and it is the logical conclusion obtained from this (dialogue) that unites a group of people on a single thought. It involves the search for truth and the quest to reach it. If we consider the Islamic history of da'wah and tabligh, the fact becomes clear that none of the other means of da'wah can match the benefits of dialogue. Prophets (peace be upon them) were the chosen and chosen servants of Allah Almighty who were sent to different nations in different regions in their respective eras to guide humanity. The Prophets, peace be upon them, kept coming for a special purpose, the Supreme Word of God, that is why they faced all kinds of people and situations, including the obedience of the believers, the stubbornness of the nations, and the enmity of oppressive kings. Attitudes are also included. All kinds of difficult situations. Attitudes are also included. In spite of all kinds of difficult situations and hardships, the Prophets (peace be upon them) gave good social consciousness along with the good manners of invitation and dialogue. In this sense, the most effective style of conversation is that of the Prophets. This is the best training. These are the holy persons who have been directly trained by Allah Almighty himself. In order to associate the truth-seeking, groaning humanity with the feet of the Prophets, it is necessary that their exemplary style and Dialogue style should be adopted.