Tradition and Innovation: Exploring Swami Prabhupada’s transformative role in establishing ISKCON in America
ISKCON, Hare Krishna movement, Tradition, Innovation, Swami Prabhupada, New Religious MovementAbstract
This research paper explores the significant concept of innovation within the evolving traditions, with a particular focus on the innovative ideas introduced by Swami Prab-hupada, the pioneering figure in establishing of ISKCON movement in America, com-monly known as Hare Krishna movement. Swami Prabhupada’s journey to America, guided by the directive of his spiritual mentor Bhakti Siddhanta, aimed to propagate the teachings of Krishna to the Western world. This paper aims to analyze comprehensively Swami Prabhupada’s role in introducing novel ideas that expanded beyond the tradi-tional scope of the guidelines preached by Prabhupada’s spiritual masters. Central to this exploration is the inquiry into whether those innovative ideas align with the contin-uum of already established teachings of the tradition or represent a deviation from it. By dissecting these various ideas and beliefs which Swami Prabhupada introduced, this pa-per seeks to provide insights into their implications for the ongoing trajectory of the tradition. Furthermore, the paper acknowledges the pivotal role of Swami Prabhupada’s strategic initiatives and leadership that played a crucial role in the spread of ISKCON in the West. In conclusion, this research endeavors to seek the interplay between tradition and innovation within the context of the ISKCON movement, shedding light on its evo-lution and impact on broader spiritual discourse and the propagation of novel ideas to make it adaptable to the Westerners.